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Storytelling School

Jul 28, 2021

What if you have a personal story that’s hard to tell others? My guest today Brandy Gillmore has personal experience with this. She’s a world-renowned celebrity coach who’s made discoveries in working with the mind for healing and transformation in areas like business, health, and finances. She helps people change the trajectory of their stories.

Brandy went from living life to spending the majority of her day in pain and on morphine, lying in bed. After countless doctor visits, treatments, therapies, and more, she started delving into research to help her figure out how to heal herself. In the process, she discovered some fascinating information and she shares some of her insights today on the Storytelling School podcast.

Listen as Brandy tells the incredible story of how she recovered using her mind. She also describes the process of preparing the TEDx talk to relay her story that brought the audience listening to tears and on their feet. Through her story, she demonstrates the power of creating a deeper connection and a lasting impression with your audience.

What you will learn in this episode:

  • Why the placebo effect works so well
  • How emotions can really affect your physical body
  • How to dial in and connect with others through your story

Who is Brandy?

Brandy Gillmore is a mind/body healing coach and spiritual leader. After a couple of unfortunate accidents, she found herself in extreme pain and relegated to using a wheelchair, cane, and walker to get around. Doctor after doctor told her they couldn’t do anything for her. Treatment after treatment failed or fell through. Alternative therapies did nothing for her.

Determined not to let that be the end of it, she continued spending years researching outside of the conventional health care system. Eventually, she was able to heal herself with her mind and promised to show others how to get rapid results doing the same, even under thermal medical equipment.

Today, Brandy works with celebrities, entrepreneurs, Olympic athletes, groups, and even conventional establishments globally to share her cutting-edge discoveries. Her goal: to help make the world healthier and happier by teaching people how to use the power of their minds!

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