Feb 22, 2024
I’m at the Annoyance Theater in Chicago taking a week-long intensive Improv class. In the middle of a scene with my scene partner, I have this brilliant idea. So I start forcing the scene in the direction I have in mind.
My partner follows along…and the whole scene ends up being pretty flat and predictable. After...
Feb 20, 2024
I’m in the final planning stages for Story to Standing Ovation, our annual live event, when my dad randomly stops by to drop something off. He comes toward my office, stops in the doorway, and says, “What the heck is that?”
As he points at my sliding glass doors, I tell him, “This is my brain on sticky notes.”...
Feb 8, 2024
One sentence from a stranger is all it took to ignite the biggest epiphany of my life.
I’ll explain.
I’m sitting in the audience at my first TED conference, enraptured by all the speakers when a guy comes on stage who I’ve never heard of before. He starts showing some of the most beautiful and haunting images...