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Storytelling School

Apr 26, 2023

Growing up, I spent a lot of time with my grandmother, nicknamed Moo. We always had fun; we’d play, make things up, sing songs, write poems… just be creative together.

As she gets older, though, and reaches 100 years old, she develops dementia. Sometimes she’s with us and other times not. I go over to her house...

Apr 19, 2023

I’m 12 years old. It’s summertime, and we’re on our annual family trip to Bainbridge Island off the coast of Seattle. I love going on these trips, and one of my favorite things about them is getting to see family friends Bob and Denise perform in a different play.

This particular summer they’re doing The Pirates...

Apr 12, 2023

I'm a high school freshman. It’s 2 o’clock in the morning on a school day and I can't sleep, so I get up and wander into our living room.

My Dad’s in there taking notes and reviewing video footage of our rival softball team we’re set to play later that day. He’s the head coach of our varsity team and often...

Apr 5, 2023

My husband Mark and I are at a venue about to give a presentation on the new software application we’ve developed. It's a big deal! We’re in our hometown with a room full of people waiting, and this is the first time we’re showing off what we’ve created.

Standing at the front of the room and getting ready...